Saturday, March 8, 2008

The power of releationship

God has been showing me over the last six month or so about how important it is to surround myself with people of like DNA . Let me explain . people don't need to be just alike to have the same DNA but they have something that tithes them together .
1..there vision 2....there spirits 3..there desire for the things of God all of these things can bring people to walk side by side even when there personality are nothing alike ..
I have had to learn that some times the people I don't like the most are the people I need to be around the most , its not always comfortable but remember iron sharpens iron .I just got done reading this book in a pit with a lion on a snowy day and in following the story of beniah I realized one moment changed his life forever ....nothing like being able to say on your resume that on a cold and snowy day I went into a pit with a 500 pound lion and won ...
But sometimes those people we come across in our walk with God are like those 500 pound lions we don't kill them but God uses them to push us to another level in our relationship with him...
When I look back over the last year and what God has done the biggest thing is that I have surrounded my self with people of like DNA who are passionate about changing a Generation for God ...........



Johnnie said...

Man that is so true. Having those relationships does so much. From typical encouragement, to someone who can help guide you through foggy times. I like to call it having someone with the "same blood type". Sometimes we need that person to give us a "transfusion" when we've been wounded or hurt. Relationships are so key!

Jeremiah said...

Thanks bro

you are one of those relationships in my life ...thanks

Tara Sloan said...

Great post Jeremiah! I love Batterson's book you mentioned. Great to see you and Sarah working together achieving your destiny in Christ!Keep up the great work!